Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday Night Christmas Music....
Monday, December 15, 2008
10 Days Until Christmas....
Sorry to have missed last Monday night's broadcast.
Tonight, if all goes well, I will be playing all Christmas music during my Deep Cut Bluegrass show beginning @ 10pm Eastern on The Bluegrass Mix.
As I'm writing this, I've not heard from either Teri Ann or Mike Hartman... but I'm assuming they will be broadcasting tonight as well. Although, I'm not sure what songs they have on their play lists but I'm sure there will be some Christmas songs!
It's very cold here in Iowa today... right now it is -3 degrees and the high is only expected to be about 10 above.
Hope you can join me tonight!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, December 8, 2008
Both Mike and Michael Off Tonight
I just received a phone call from my buddy, Mike Hartman and he's not going to be able to make his show tonight either. His "day job" is carrying over into the evening as well.
So, it appears that Teri Ann may be the only live DJ tonight.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Too Much "Day Job" No Show Tonight...
It's a very busy time of year for me at my "day job" and today (tonight as well) there's so much I must get completed.
So I will not be doing my show tonight.
Catch ya' next week!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, December 1, 2008
I'm back!
Monday, November 24, 2008
With Christmas Just 4 Weeks Away!
With Christmas just 4 weeks away, I hope you will join me tonight on my show Deep Cut Bluegrass starting @ 10pm Eastern for some great Christmas music in addition to the usual serving of today's Bluegrass music.
At the time of this posting, I've not heard any confirmation as to whether or not Teri Ann is back with us tonight @ 6pm Eastern.... I hope she can make it.
Mike Hartman should be in @ 8pm with another fine show... and I'm sure he has some Christmas music on his list tonight as well.
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving Holiday!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Thursday, November 6, 2008
short leave of absence
I have to take a short leave of absence and will be back on November 24th barring any unforeseen circumstances!
Prayers are always appreciated!
all the best,
~Teri Ann McLean
Host of Something Borrowed; Something Bluegrass
Mondays 6 to 8 PM and Wednesdays 4 to 6 PM Eastern Time
Monday, November 3, 2008
Try It Again Tonight!
I'm hoping to be able to broadcast tonight as part of the Monday Night Bluegrass Mix Blockbuster!
As longs as a farmer doesn't pull down an overhead fiber optic cable that serves much of the southern part of Iowa, as long as my ISP doesn't' fail, as long as the power company keeps the electricity flowing and as long as there are no other technical issues... I should be broadcasting @ 10pm Eastern time.
At this moment, as far as I know, we should have Teri Ann @ 6pm Eastern, Mike Hartman @ 8pm Eastern and then I will be here @ 10pm Eastern.
Please join us tonight!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sorry I Missed Last Night - Internet Service Outage
I ended up missing my show last night due to my ISP (Mediacom) experiencing a system wide service outage.
The outage lasted for over 7 hours!
Hmmm... I wonder who spilled their coffee into the system? ;-)
Hopefully, I will be back next Monday night!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday Night 10/27/08
Tonight's Monday Night Bluegrass Mix Blockbuster will be at least one DJ short.
Mike Hartman is off on a well deserved vacation.
As of this moment, I've not received confirmation from Teri Ann as to whether or not she will be on... I hope she is.
Please join me @ 10pm Eastern for Deep Cut Bluegrass!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday Night UPDATE!!!!!

I hope someone fills in!
I will be back on Wednesday, however, as well as of course be back next Monday night at my regular time.
I hope ya'll will tune in when I get back... don't forget about me!!! :-)
Good thoughts...
~Teri Ann McLean
Host of Something Borrowed; Something Bluegrass
Every Mon. 6 to 8 PM and Wed. 4 to 6 PM EST
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday Night And We're One DJ Short...
Teri Ann will not be with us this evening for her 6pm (Eastern) Monday night show as her laryngitis is still causing problems from last week. It's hard to do a live broadcast when you can't talk.
Mike Hartman should be ready to go for this evening @ 8pm Eastern.
My show Deep Cut Bluegrass is ready to go tonight @ 10pm Eastern. However, my voice is a littel rough. This past weekend I attended my high school 35th class reunion. My voice is rather hoarse because of all the talking and needing to talk loud to be heard over all the others who were talking. Whew!
On my play list for this evening:
- John Thomas Oaks and Grand Central
- Carrie Newcomer
- Jim Van Cleve
- Jerry Douglas
- Randy Korhs
- Donna Hughes
Just to mention a few.
Thanks for listening,
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Let's hope I recover quickly! Ya'll know how much I love to talk! ;-)
Teri Ann McLean
Host of "Something Borrowed; Something Bluegrass"
Monday, October 6, 2008
Tonight on Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday's sure do roll around fast these days!
I received an email from Terri Ann and she will not be doing her 6pm Eastern show this evening and at this time no other DJ has stepped up to the plate to cover her time slot.
That leaves Mike Hartman @ 8pm Eastern and then me @ 10pm Eastern.
On my show tonight, I have a brand new single from a band you may have not yet heard from yet... the band is from my home state of Iowa!
The name of the band is Southern Reign ( The band members include two sister that I've know since they were just kids... Cindie (Wilson) Beem and Tabatha (Wilson) Hood.
Cindie sings and plays guitar... Tabatha sings and plays bass. They are joined by Cindie's husband Larry on banjo and then last but not least is Mark Hargrove on mandolin. Larry also plays Dobro (resophonic guitar).
The single I'm playing from their new independent project "New Reign" is titled... "Another Night". This song will be the first one I play tonight!
I hope you will join us tonight here on The Bluegrass Mix!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday Night Once Again...
We find ourselves with another Monday night here on The Mix.
If all goes as scheduled, Teri Ann will be broadcasting @ 6pm Eastern, Mike Hartman @ 8pm Eastern and I will be here @ 10pm Eastern.
On my play list tonight... more new music. This time I have discovered a new band (at least new to me) the "John Thomas Oaks and Grand Central" band. They have a new independent label project called "Blue York" and I will start my show off with their song, "Worth It All."
Also, I have new music from Wayne Taylor's new project along with something from Mashville Brigade.
Hope you can join us tonight!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tin Roof Lounge
Three gigs in October and IBMA leaves me with no choice but to resume shows in November.
God Bless
Monday, September 22, 2008
Deep Cut Bluegrass - Tonight... More New Music
Just a quick update on tonight's programming here on the Mix.
I've not yet received any information as to whether or not Terri Ann will be able to do her show tonight @ 6pm Eastern... I hope we hear from her today.
This week, Mike Hartman is working harder than usual. Last night he filled in for our boss, Roger Randolph. Roger experienced a computer issue with his personal broadcasting computer and was unable to do his show so Mike filled in. Mike should be doing his regular Monday night show... starting @ 8pm Eastern. Then Mike will return on Wednesday night as usual.
Then, the Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I should be broadcasting @ 10pm Eastern. I do have more new music tonight! I have something from Jeanette Williams off of her new release and what a terrific project it is!
Please join us here on The Mix!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Teri Ann McLean's Wednesday show..
Teri Ann McLean asked me to post a cancellation of her Wed afternoon (Sept 17) show... She is tending to a family emergency that's involved hospitalization.
We wish her and her family well and hope the best at all times.
Keep her and her family in your thoughts.
Roger Randolph
No Bluegrass Command Tonight
Just got a call from our DJ Hal Cottrell, in his area of Dayton ohio they are without power tonight so his show is cancelled for tonight. Hopefully they'll have Dayton plugged in for next weeks show.
There could be a sub tonight too so tune in anyway, we're ALWAYS playing good music. :)
Roger Randolph
Monday, September 15, 2008
Monday Night Sept. 15th - More New Music
I'm really looking forward to my broadcast tonight following Mark Hartman who follows Teri Ann McLean... this block of six hours of great Bluegrass music, live DJs and fun begins @ 6pm Eastern.
On my play list tonight I have a brand new song by Kenny and Amanda Smith from their new "Live and Learn" CD. This one is titled, "Do The Best You Can." WOW... Amanda has such a beautiful voice and of course the harmonies are so good!
Hopefully Teri Ann and Mike Hartman are ready for tonight as I've not heard any official word from them... but I guess, no news is good news.
Remember, Teri Ann @ 6pm.... Mike Hartman @ 8pm.... then me @ 10pm (Eastern)
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, September 8, 2008
Monday Night Sept.8, 2008 - New Music!
Are you ready for another "Monday Night Bluegrass Mix Blockbuster"?
If all goes as scheduled... Teri Ann @ 6pm (Eastern), Mike Hartman @ 8pm (Eastern) and then it's me @ 10pm Eastern.
On my play list tonight I have some new music for your listening pleasure and I've gone "deep" into a few past albums and found some great tracks.
There are two new projects that I will be playing tracks off of that I'm really excited about.
"Bluegrass Worship" produced by Steve Ivey and includes various Bluegrass artists.
Then the new Cherryholmes project "Cherryholmes III Don't Believe"... WOW, what a CD this one is!
I hope you can join us!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
The Bluegrass Mix
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
No show today on the Bluegrass Mix
~Teri Ann McLean
Host of Something Borrowed; Something Bluegrass
Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day.... 21 Days of Summer Remain
If memory serves correct... Summer ends and Fall begins in just 21 days. This year, I'm still astounded by how fast the Summer seems to have gone by. The more I think about it.... the reason must be all the storms we had. At least that's my way of thinking.
Tonight Teri Ann is back from vacation and broadcasting her show (I'm listening as I type). Today, Mike Hartman is attending a small Bluegrass Festival in his area but promised to be back to his home studio in time for his show @ 8pm Eastern.
My show, Deep Cut Bluegrass, will begin @ 10pm Eastern and I have more new music tonight plus a few oldies. In addition to the music, I have a couple of interesting interview segments with Ron Block and Carrie Newcomer.
Hope you can join us tonight here on The Bluegrass Mix!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
If You Missed Roger Randolph Sunday Night...
Late tonight (Sunday night) a few of you in the Chat Room were asking, "Where's Roger?"
Well, he's a hard working man and for the past few days, he's been running on fumes and needed to take the night off to get some much needed and deserved rest.
He's OK folks.... so not to worry.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, August 11, 2008
Severe Weather on Long Island!
Well not only do we hardly EVER get tornadoes on
The Tornado Warning has been lifted for now by the National Weather Service but the local weatherman thinks it will be reissued later when more severe thunderstorms move through, and he said tornadoes are still possible even now. Yikes!
So! I’ll be shutting off my electric and hanging out in my basement with my cat, my bird and my guitar. I may or may not be online for my show later so if anyone wants it, please do it!
Host of Something Borrowed; Something Bluegrass
Mondays 6 to 8 PM | Wednesdays 4 to 6 PM
Eastern Standard Time
Where Has The Summer Gone?

- Terry Herd - "Into The Blue"
- Cindy Baucom - "Deep In Bluegrass"
- Gene and Rebecca Skinner - "Great Show -Gospel"
- Gene and Rebecca Skinner - "Great Show - Bluegrass"
Friday, August 8, 2008
Julie Raye is going to the fair...hope someone fills in tonight!!!
Sorry but I'm going with Chicken to the Williamson County fair in Franklin, TN...they're doing a show tonight and I really want to go...
Most of you know he plays with Pam Tillis...and it's her's so nearby that I hate not to go!!!
Thanks for understanding...
DJ's, feel free to take the show...
Julie RayeCo-Founder and DJwww.bluegrassmix.comTune in to The Bluegrass Way with Julie Raye every Thurs. & Fri. 6 - 9
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Hey Bluegrass Fans!!!!
Well... We have him here on The Bluegrass Mix.. Every Sunday Morning at 9am est you can catch Terry's show here on the Bluegrass Mix.
Preceeding his show will also be 2 great hours of Bluegrass and Bluegrass Gospel with host Gene Skinner...
5 NEW hrs of great bluegrass programming here on the Bluegrass Mix.Com Starting at 7am eastern.
See Ya there!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Upcoming shows
I just wanted to let you know that I will be unable to do my Wednesday show this week, as well as my show on Monday, August 25th, due to traveling!
Happy listening,
Teri Ann McLean
Monday, August 4, 2008
Monday Night In America...

Saturday, August 2, 2008
Problems with our website
Thanks to Michael Browns who tracked down the offender.
I have temporarily removed the sitemeter sode from the website on "Most" of the pages as I suspect that it will soon be fixed on their end and I will re-insert it.
Hope everybody has a nice weekend and that you're taking in some live bluegrass shows in your area. If not then stay tuned right here at The Bluegrass Mix for the very best in FREE bluegrass programming.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Heading Home From The MACC festival
The MACC festival thrilled thousands of people once again with music that makes sitting thru a rainstorm worth it! :)
We had a blast TRYING to bring to you live broadcasts of the fun at theh festival but the internet bugs could not be squashed enough to allow us to hook up and stream frm here. Soooo, with that we did what we could and talked with as many people that we could to tell them about the MIX! :)
We had probably over a thousand folks stop by the table asking about what we do, most with internet connections so they left with a promise to check us out and listen in.
We had several artists stop by the table also... Jamie Johnson of the Grascals spent about 15 minutes with us (be listening for the recorded interview during Julie Raye's show this week. Randy Kohrs spent almost an hour with us on Saturday afternoon, also recording an interview. We had fun with them there.
We talked with most of the rest of the artists during our time here at some point, getting some station ID recordings and trying to schedule other interviews.
Dwight McCall came by our campsite Friday night and talked for a while and even sat in and sang a song with us during our jam. Later that same night Aaron Till (AWESOME fiddle player) stopped by and sat in our jam for about and hour or so. We had a blast to say the least!
Julie and I took a ton of pictures and we promise to have them up for viewing as soon as we can.
Already making plans for next year's festival and we'll try our hardest to make sure we can broadcast live, one of the main purposes of us being there.. to bring the festivall closer to our listeners and help get the word out!
Keep checking the web page for news about future festivals where we may be at, would ove to meet up with more of our listeners and chat room visitors! And if you can only attend ONE festival next year.. make it the MACC. the proceeds go to St Judes Childrens Hospital and we ALL know how important that is!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday night.... Broadcasting At The MACC
Come on in the chat room and tune in the 24k stream to hear the fun we're having.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Monday Monday, so good to me....
Remember the old "Momas and the Papas" song, "Monday Monday"? Well, even though that old song is a sad song... there's no sadness on Mondays here on The Bluegrass Mix.
At this moment, it looks as though Teri Ann, Mike and I are ready for tonight's Monday Night Bluegrass Block Buster!
Hope you can join us for six hours of great Bluegrass music beginning @ 6pm Eastern time with Teri Ann, then Mike @ 8pm and I will finish the evening from 10pm to midnight.
I hope Mike Hartman is not eating strawberries this week!
Please join us tonight on The Bluegrass Mix.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Promoting Bluegrass with friends
I have the opportunity to sit in on a great show this saturday by my friends Tyler Williams & Marty Leedy at Bluetop in Bluefield,Wva this Saturday night.
Check these guys out!
Tyler Williams is an aspiring Bluegrass singer originally from Marysville, Ohio. Tyler has been singing since he was two years old and has made guest appearances on stage with some of his heroes, including Ronnie Bowman, IIIrd Tyme Out, and The Lonesome River Band. Tyler became blind as an infant and also suffers from mild cerebral palsy, but he doesn't let these disabilities hold him back. Tyler is currently attending East Tenn. State University, in Johnson City, where he is majoring in the Communications program and also completing a minor in Bluegrass Performance. In the Summer of 2006, Tyler and his friend, Marty Leedy, completed their first album together, Bringing It!
See you guys on July 26th back at the Tin Roof Lounge!
Looking For "Downloadable" Older Songs...
With all the online music services where songs may be purchased and immediately downloaded there is an amazing amount of Bluegrass Music available.
I tend to favor for music downloads because they don't attach DRM (Digital Rights Management) to the songs like iTunes and Windows Media do.
Amazon has a few of the older Bluegrass albums (released in the past 15 years or so) but I'm not finding some of the albums that I use to have as LPs.
Would any of you know of any other good sources for downloadable Bluegrass music other than the big three that I've mentioned?
Please email me...
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Station Down - Server Datacenter Issues
The stream will be back up as soon as all of these issues have been corrected.
Roger Randolph
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Another Great Monday On The Mix....
We had another great Monday night here on The Bluegrass Mix.... Teri Ann starting off, followed by Mike Hartman and then... there was me.
As Mike was working towards the end of his show... he talked about the fresh strawberries his wife was fixing for him and he was eating while doing his show.
I have to admit, that was so distracting... because all I could do was think about a big bowl of fresh strawberries piled high with real whipped cream. As I started my show... I was so distracted that I had troubles running the DJ equipment! As I'm typing this post.... I'm still thinking of those strawberries!
I hope all of those who were able to listen to my "Swing Grass" theme show enjoyed the songs. There were a few people in chat that asked me (via private chat) what I was playing tonight... they had never heard "swing grass" before.
The first song I played was Rhonda Vincent's "World's Biggest Fool" and one listener in the chat room had never heard Rhonda do that song before.
Of all the "Swing Grass" songs I played.... my favorite has to be the song by Kenny & Amanda Smith.... "Nancy Jane." What a fantastic job they do.... when you listen to it, pay close attention to the harmony vocals!
Granted.... there was one song that I played that was a "swing" tune but it was NOT Bluegrass but it is such a good old swing tune and pretty much a text book example... it was "Beans and Cornbread" by Louis Jordan. I'm not sure how old the song is but I'm sure it's been around for a few generations.
Here at The Bluegrass Mix... you will hear many different styles of Bluegrass music, that's why we call it... "The Bluegrass Mix" cause we mix it all in!
In closing this blog post, I want to say how much I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of The Bluegrass Mix and how much I appreciate all who take time to listen to the station!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, July 14, 2008
Let's Swing Tonight!
Tonight is "Swing Time" on my show, "Deep Cut Bluegrass" here on The Bluegrass Mix.
Here are just a few of the artists I will be playing tonight
- Rhonda Vincent
- Kenny and Amanda Smith
- Claire Lynch
- Sam Bush
- Patrick McAvinue
- The Whites
- Josh Williams
- Special Consensus
- IIIrd Tyme Out
- Williams & Clark Expedition
I hope you can join me tonight from 10 to Midnight (Eastern)!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
The Bluegrass Mix
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My Wednesday show
I regret to inform you but this week's Wednesday show will be minus me as your host! Hopefully one of our other fine DJs at the Mix will fill in! But I should be back next Wednesday, as well as, of course, my Monday night show from 6 to 8.
See ya'll then!
~Teri Ann McLean
Host of "Something Borrowed; Something Bluegrass"
Monday 6 to 8 PM EST/Wednesday 4 to 6 PM EST
Monday, July 7, 2008
Monday Night In America - On The Bluegrass Mix
Once again we find ourselves here on a Monday... I hope your 4th of July Holiday Weekend was a great and safe one!
If tonight on The Bluegrass Mix goes as planned, we have another evening of fine Bluegrass Music, broadcast live, for you from Teri Ann, Mike and me... Michael.
Teri Ann begins her live show @ 6pm (Eastern) then Mike will follow @ 8pm (Eastern) and then I should be going live @ 10pm (Eastern).
This week, I almost decided to go with another "Bluegrass Swing" theme show but I'm still working on finding a few more songs... so maybe next Monday. Just stop by here on our blog for updates. If any of you have any "swing" styled Bluegrass songs to suggest for the show, please stop by the station web site and email me.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
The Bluegrass Mix
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Julie Raye in July 2008 issue of Bluegrass Now Online
Bluegrass Now contacted me several months ago and asked if I'd like to be featured in their magazine under a column called - Air Check. It features Bluegrass DJ's!!! They asked me some questions and wanted a picture and's featured this month!!!
Our DJ, Sky, brought it my attention!!! I had no idea when it would be featured...I had almost forgot about it! LOL! Thanks, don't miss a thing, do ya'?
Thanks to Bluegrass Now Online as well!!!
Keep grassin'!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday Night's On The Mix
Tonight should be another great "live" listening experience here on The Bluegrass Mix beginning @ 6pm (Eastern).
Teri Ann from 6-8 (Eastern) will be featuring an interview she did recently with Jason McKendree. I must confess, I've already heard the interview and she did a great job. I want to hear Teri Ann do more Interviews!
Mike Hartman is on the roster once again for tonight from 8-10 (Eastern) and I'm sure he will have me laughing with his great sense of humor and comedic timing... Mike is a natural.
Then following Mike, I should be on with my show from 10-Midnight (Eastern). I won't have any cool interviews like Teri Ann and I won't be quite as entertaining as Mike Hartman... but I will be playing some great Bluegrass music for you.
Please join us this evening for great Bluegrass music here on The Bluegrass Mix.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Sunday, June 29, 2008
More Stable "Up-Time"
In the past week alone the power had been knocked out 3 times causing the system to go down and lose the listeners.
Hopefully this will provide a more stable stream.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Back on this Saturday 9pm-11pm
I'm also working on a new album that I hope to get finished before the end of the year! It's gonna have at least 5 original compositions and I'm real excited to be working with some great musicians on it. See you saturday!
Scott-host of the Tin Roof Lounge
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Interview with Jason McKendree of the Josh Williams Band!
A couple of announcements actually from the "Something Borrowed; Something Bluegrass" world of Teri Ann McLean...
I will be unable to do my Wednesday show this week (June 25th)... not sure if anyone will be filling in for me, but tune in and see! And of course, the Bluegrass Mix always streams the greatest music even when you don't have a live DJ to keep you company!
I will return on Monday night, June 30th (6 to 8 PM Eastern Time) when I will be airing an interview I recorded with Jason McKendree of the McKendrees family band and also of the Josh Williams Band. Jason will be talking about the new project, the Josh Williams Band, as well as some exciting McKendrees news. If you've seen any good movies lately, you may know what I'm talking about!
Otherwise, TUNE IN TO FIND OUT!!!
Enjoy the rest of the week and hope to see you in the chatroom for my Monday night show!
Teri Ann McLean
Host of "Something Borrowed; Something Bluegrass"
Mon. 6 to 8 PM, Wed. 4 to 6 PM EST
Roger Randolph on Fox Business News today
While not on the camera in promoting bluegrass, it should still be somewhat interesting.
Another Successful Monday Night On The Mix
Teri Ann, Mike Hartman and I had another successful Monday night with our live shows here on the Bluegrass Mix.
Thanks to everybody who listened tonight and especially those who stopped in the Chat Room.
Before I finish this post.... there is something that we need all of the Bluegrass Mix listeners to do.... please tell everybody you know about the Bluegrass Mix. Invite them to stop by the station's web site and listen as often as they can.
That's all for now,
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, June 23, 2008
Oh Yeah It's Monday Again!
It's Monday once again and so far the weather here in Iowa is good. There are no thunderstorms predicted for tonight.
So as along as I have electricity... as long as my ISP doesn't fail... as long as my computer behaves itself... as long as the Shoutcast Severs (used to distribute the Bluegrass Mix all over the world) remain up and running... I should be able to do my "Deep Cut Bluegrass" show tonight @ 10pm Eastern time.
Keep Grassin'
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Roger Is "On The Air"
Our very own Roger Randolph (aka "The Boss") is back on "the air" after all!
Technology.... it's a "love-hate" relationship.
When it works, we love it... when it's broke, we hate it.
Oh the marvels of modern technology.
Go Roger!
Cable issues in my area..
Keep on listenin'
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tin Roof Lounge Saturdays 9-11pm EST
Just dropping a line to let folks know that I will be returning after a few weeks off due to gig scheduling on June 28. I'll have a couple weeks also in July that I won't be available but things should cool down with the weather and I should be dj'ing a little more regular at that time.
Take Care,
Scott P
Monday, June 16, 2008
Tonight @ 10pm Eastern
Here in Centerville, Iowa... we should have a thunderstorm free day and evening. We shouldn't be experiencing any power failures.
As many of you may already know, there are several cities here in Iowa that are experiencing serious flooding from the storms of the past couple of weeks. Here in Centerville, we are not having those problems but we have received a tremendous amount of rain. Many creeks and small streams are out of their banks and the one river we have that runs through our county is out of its banks as well... but nothing serious.
Hopefully, as long as my ISP doesn't fail, I will be doing my show "Deep Cut Bluegrass" tonight @ 10pm Eastern time. My show follows Mike Hartman's show and as far as I know (as I type this blog entry) Mike should be broadcasting tonight. His area of Indiana has suffered some flooding and he missed his show last week.
On the technical side of things... I should be using some new equipment tonight as long as UPS makes the delivery today as scheduled. I've purhcased a new microphone and preamp this past week and I'm eager to try them out.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
We now have a Guestbook!
Just a quick note to let everybody know that was also have a guestbook for the Bluegrass Mix site.
On the lower left of the home page is where you will find it.
Thanks for visiting and thanks for listening to The Bluegrass Mix!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
The Bluegrass Mix Blog now on RSS Feed
Friday, June 13, 2008
New DJ "Sky" is on tonight in place of Julie Raye
Our dear Julie Raye is out of town on a mission tonight.... so one of our new DJs, SKY is doing an impromptu show and he's doing a fine job.
Go SKY!!!!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday Night 10 to Midnight Eastern Time
The Bluegrass Way.....
Have a safe trip Julie and we'll see ya next week!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
What this Blog is for
Also for quick notifications of appearances should a host be at a festival.
If you're a listener.. check back often!!
The New "Bluegrass Mix" Blog!
Welcome to The Bluegrass Mix's new blog!
Thanks to Roger (the boss) for setting it up!