Hey there BGM Listeners,
It's been way too long but at this time I plan on doing my show this week.
I'll be on @ 10pm Eastern.
Hope I haven't forgotten how!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday Night - No Mike or Michael
Once again neither Mike Hartman or I will be able to do our regularly scheduled programs here on The Mix.
Both of us experiencing DJO aka "Day Job Overflow".
Work comes before play.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Once again neither Mike Hartman or I will be able to do our regularly scheduled programs here on The Mix.
Both of us experiencing DJO aka "Day Job Overflow".
Work comes before play.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Hartman - Not Tonight
Hello Mix Listeners,
Once again DJ Mike Hartman's day job will last well into the evening.
So, he won't be doing his National Crossroads Bluegrass Show tonight.
However, you should still stop by and listen to Cindy Baucom's Knee Deep in Bluegrass show @ 10pm Eastern!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Personal Secretary For Mike Hartman
Once again DJ Mike Hartman's day job will last well into the evening.
So, he won't be doing his National Crossroads Bluegrass Show tonight.
However, you should still stop by and listen to Cindy Baucom's Knee Deep in Bluegrass show @ 10pm Eastern!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Personal Secretary For Mike Hartman
Monday, August 24, 2009
No Mike or Michael Tonight!
Both Mike Hartman and I will not be able to do our shows tonight.
Mike went to his day job today even though his was not feeling well at all. He's rather ill tonight so when he gets home, he needs to get to bed.
I'm well but just too much "day job" to work on so.... maybe next week.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Both Mike Hartman and I will not be able to do our shows tonight.
Mike went to his day job today even though his was not feeling well at all. He's rather ill tonight so when he gets home, he needs to get to bed.
I'm well but just too much "day job" to work on so.... maybe next week.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, August 10, 2009
Randy Kohrs band equipment recovered.
As reported by Ted Lehmann's blog, it appears that an individual pawned a martin guitar at a local pawn shop in efforts to feed a drug addiction and told the clerk that he would be coming back with more band instruments. The clerk alerted the police who then arrested the individual when he returned. A search warrant was served and the majority of the bands stolen equipment was recovered.
Good police work, a sharp pawn shop clerk (I'd like to that THAT person!) brought a devasting story to a happen ending.
To see Ted's post http://tedlehmann.blogspot.com/2009/08/randy-kohrs-instruments-recovered.html
Good police work, a sharp pawn shop clerk (I'd like to that THAT person!) brought a devasting story to a happen ending.
To see Ted's post http://tedlehmann.blogspot.com/2009/08/randy-kohrs-instruments-recovered.html
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
No Wed. Night National Crossroads Bluegrass Tonight
Hey there,
Once again, I just got off the phone with DJ Mike Hartman and his day job has once again prevented him from doing his show.
Yet, you can hear the nationally syndicated radio show "Knee Deep In Bluegrass" with Cindy Baucom @ 10pm Eastern tonight on The Mix.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Once again, I just got off the phone with DJ Mike Hartman and his day job has once again prevented him from doing his show.
Yet, you can hear the nationally syndicated radio show "Knee Deep In Bluegrass" with Cindy Baucom @ 10pm Eastern tonight on The Mix.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, August 3, 2009
Monday Night - Mike But No Michael
Hey there Mix listeners,
I just visited with Mike Hartman on the phone and he said that because he is getting off work early today.... he WILL be doing his show tonight @ 8pm Eastern.
However, I'm still unable to do my show tonight because of too much "day job."
So tonight, you will have "Mike but no Michael".
Hopefully I can get back on schedule for next week.
Thanks for listening,
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
I just visited with Mike Hartman on the phone and he said that because he is getting off work early today.... he WILL be doing his show tonight @ 8pm Eastern.
However, I'm still unable to do my show tonight because of too much "day job."
So tonight, you will have "Mike but no Michael".
Hopefully I can get back on schedule for next week.
Thanks for listening,
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Deep Cut Bluegrass - Not This Week
I will need to fore go my show this week as I have too much "day job" work to do.
Here it is a Sunday morning ( beautiful by the way here in Iowa.... 56 degrees) so I don't know yet if Mike Hartman will make his show either.
Mike won't know until sometime Monday afternoon if he can make his show.
So, it's possible that this coming Monday night will be "Mike-less".
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
I will need to fore go my show this week as I have too much "day job" work to do.
Here it is a Sunday morning ( beautiful by the way here in Iowa.... 56 degrees) so I don't know yet if Mike Hartman will make his show either.
Mike won't know until sometime Monday afternoon if he can make his show.
So, it's possible that this coming Monday night will be "Mike-less".
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, July 27, 2009
Mike Hartman - No Show Tonight
Hey there listeners,
I just spoke with Mike Hartman and he was still in his truck at work.
He is so sorry to not make his show tonight.
However, I will be on @ 10pm Eastern with my show Deep Cut Bluegrass.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
I just spoke with Mike Hartman and he was still in his truck at work.
He is so sorry to not make his show tonight.
However, I will be on @ 10pm Eastern with my show Deep Cut Bluegrass.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, July 20, 2009
Uh, oh.... no Mike Hartman tonight!!!!!!!
Hey there,
I just received a phone call from DJ Mike Hartman.
Once again, his "day job" will run over into the evening and he will not be able to do his show tonight.
We might be able to talk another DJ into sitting in for Mike.... time will tell.
I should be on @ 10pm for my show Deep Cut Bluegrass, hope you can join me!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
I just received a phone call from DJ Mike Hartman.
Once again, his "day job" will run over into the evening and he will not be able to do his show tonight.
We might be able to talk another DJ into sitting in for Mike.... time will tell.
I should be on @ 10pm for my show Deep Cut Bluegrass, hope you can join me!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Mike Hartman Is Working Late Tonight - No Show

Hey there Bluegrass Mix Listeners,
I just received a phone call from DJ Mike Hartman.... he was still in his big truck and working hard. He's been at it since 5am today.
His workday is not going to finish up in time for him to do his show, "National Crossroads Bluegrass".
Mike offers his sincere apology to all of his fans and hopes you will be able to tune in next Monday night for his next show!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday June 15th - June Is Half Gone
Hello Bluegrass Mix Listeners,
Hope you can join me tonight @ 10pm Eastern for my show, Deep Cut Bluegrass!
I have several new songs on my play list tonight from Rhonda Vincent, Randy Kohrs (originally from my state... IOWA!), Kenny Ray Horton and many more!
As I'm typing this, there's been no word of confirmation from either Terri Ann or Mike Hartman being able to make their shows tonight. Summer time can get very busy and since we (DJs) here on The Mix volunteer our time... once in awhile our "day jobs" spill over into the evenings.
Tune in @ 6pm Eastern for Teri Ann just in case she's able to make it.... then Mike Hartman should be here @ 8pm Eastern unless his trucking job runs late tonight.
Anyway, you will always hear great Bluegrass music here on The Bluegrass Mix!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Hope you can join me tonight @ 10pm Eastern for my show, Deep Cut Bluegrass!
I have several new songs on my play list tonight from Rhonda Vincent, Randy Kohrs (originally from my state... IOWA!), Kenny Ray Horton and many more!
As I'm typing this, there's been no word of confirmation from either Terri Ann or Mike Hartman being able to make their shows tonight. Summer time can get very busy and since we (DJs) here on The Mix volunteer our time... once in awhile our "day jobs" spill over into the evenings.
Tune in @ 6pm Eastern for Teri Ann just in case she's able to make it.... then Mike Hartman should be here @ 8pm Eastern unless his trucking job runs late tonight.
Anyway, you will always hear great Bluegrass music here on The Bluegrass Mix!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day - Monday Night
Hello there Mix Listeners,
I trust your Memorial Day is going well.
For me it's been mostly a day of relaxation but with mixed emotions as I remember family members and friends who have passed on.
Most importantly... remembering and honoring all who served in our military, giving their lives to defend this country.
As I'm writing this blog post, I don't believe Teri Ann will be broadcasting tonight.... but Mike Hartman and I will be.
However, you might still want to check in at 6pm in case Teri Ann is doing her show.
Mike has a special Memorial Day play list all set to go so be sure to join him at 8pm Eastern.
I will follow Mike at 10pm Eastern.... hope you can join us!
God Bless,
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
I trust your Memorial Day is going well.
For me it's been mostly a day of relaxation but with mixed emotions as I remember family members and friends who have passed on.
Most importantly... remembering and honoring all who served in our military, giving their lives to defend this country.
As I'm writing this blog post, I don't believe Teri Ann will be broadcasting tonight.... but Mike Hartman and I will be.
However, you might still want to check in at 6pm in case Teri Ann is doing her show.
Mike has a special Memorial Day play list all set to go so be sure to join him at 8pm Eastern.
I will follow Mike at 10pm Eastern.... hope you can join us!
God Bless,
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday Night Bluegrass Mix Block Buster....
Hello Bluegrass Mix listeners,
Teri Ann is on right now.... welcome back Teri Ann!
Mike Hartman should be on @ 8pm Eastern.
Then I will be here at 10pm Eastern and I have some new music from Alison Brown and new tracks from Sara Watkins (onetime member of Nickel Creek).
Hope you can join us tonight!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Teri Ann is on right now.... welcome back Teri Ann!
Mike Hartman should be on @ 8pm Eastern.
Then I will be here at 10pm Eastern and I have some new music from Alison Brown and new tracks from Sara Watkins (onetime member of Nickel Creek).
Hope you can join us tonight!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, May 11, 2009
allergy season!
I regret to say that due to the pollen that has coated my throat, I will not be doing my show today since I have no voice!
I hope to be back next Monday, same time, 6 to 8 PM EST!
Please join me then!
Teri Ann McLean
Host of "Something Borrowed; Something Bluegrass"
I hope to be back next Monday, same time, 6 to 8 PM EST!
Please join me then!
Teri Ann McLean
Host of "Something Borrowed; Something Bluegrass"
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The “No-Talk” stream is gaining popularity
For those of you who have been visiting our website regularly know that The Bluegrass Mix now has a 3rd 128k “No-Talk” stream where you can hear bluegrass music non-stop and uninterrupted by dj-hosted shows. This stream is slowly gaining popularity and is actually exceeding my expectations on the number of listeners at this point of a little over a month online.
I wish to thank ALL listeners who choose The Bluegrass Mix for their bluegrass music programming no matter what stream is chosen.
Bluegrass music fans are THE BEST!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hey there Bluegrass Mix listeners,
I won't be able to do my show tonight. One of my wife's dear uncles passed away on Saturday so we have a funeral visitation to go to this evening. Along with that, my "day job" is spilling over into the evening hours all this week.
There may be another DJ sitting in for me this evening but not yet sure.
Thanks for listening!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
I won't be able to do my show tonight. One of my wife's dear uncles passed away on Saturday so we have a funeral visitation to go to this evening. Along with that, my "day job" is spilling over into the evening hours all this week.
There may be another DJ sitting in for me this evening but not yet sure.
Thanks for listening!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, April 13, 2009
Almost Back To Normal

Bluegrass Mix Listeners,
We may be getting back to our normal Monday Night Bluegrass Mix Blockbuster lineup. Today, I received an email from Teri Ann indicating she will be returning to Monday nights in the near future! I don't think she will be with us tonight but maybe next week.
Last week I visited with Mike Hartman on the phone and his schedule has been busy but he should be here tonight.
Hope you can join us tonight on The Bluegrass Mix.
Mike Hartman will be on @ 8pm Eastern, I will follow @ 10pm Eastern.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, March 30, 2009
Good Lord Willin' And The Creek Don't Rise...

Bluegrass Mix Fans,
Well, after missing the past two Monday nights... I should be back this evening!
My play list is ready to go and at this moment, the day is going well. However, at around 11am here, we lost all power. My wife and I live above our business here on the Centerville, Iowa town square... the entire town square was without power. We finally had power back about an hour and a half later.
At this moment, I've not yet heard if Mike Hartman will make it or not.
Hope you can join me tonight @ 10pm Eastern Time!
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
Monday, March 23, 2009
Once Again, I Will Miss My Show

Hello Bluegrass Mix Listeners,
Due to my business building having the front door rammed in during an attempted robbery at 11 AM yesterday, I won't be broadcasting my show tonight.
There is much to do... working with the insurance adjuster and contractors to be able to have my business open later this week. Right now the front entrance is boarded over because the perpetrator destroyed the front door with his Toyota Prius to gain access to the building. What makes this story more alarming is that my wife and I live on the second floor.
There is much more to the story but I would rather not share it here.
As I mentioned last week here on the blog, I hope to be back next Monday night.
Michael L. Browns
Deep Cut Bluegrass
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